Guilty pleasures... we all have them. They're a real thing, and it's what I'm going to talk about today.
Sadly, because I have such a fat heart... a lot of my guilty pleasures revolved around food. But, this is a safe place (I hope), so just don't judge me for any (and every) one of these guilty pleasures, okay? okay.
- Pizza
- Diet coke (aka my CRACK)
- Ice cream
- Someone tickling my back
- Someone playing with my hair
- Listening to really nasty/inappropriate rap music (especially while I run)(...the nastier, the better)
- Shaking my booty (to the music mentioned in my previous point)... alone... in my bedroom
- Singing obnoxiously loud in the shower and pretending like nobody else can hear me
- Any (and all) Disney movies (I own the majority of the Disney movies that I loved as a child - and I still love them just as much)
- Sleeping naked. (TMI, eh? I just CANNOT sleep with clothes on. If I have to share a bed with someone/spend a night at a friends, I won't sleep)
- Alcoholic bubble baths. (Baths are great, but with a glass of wine, or vodka... they're amazing)
- Spending endless hours on end looking at hilarious memes and GIFs on Pinterest
- Gchat at work (I feel really guilty about this one)
- Trashy reality TV (I haven't done this in so long. I feel like I'm overdue for binge watching duck dynasty, honey boo boo, or something..)
- Correcting grammar (I won't even try and defend or explain this one, I just won't)

"the nastier, the better" #twss hopefully Peter doesn't read this comment.
We are so triplets right now. Can I second ALL OF THESE?
Yes to the gifs and memes!! I should have put this on my list. Also, hours of pinterest browsing (recipes, wedding stuff, workouts.. I look at it all)
Pizza - check
Someone playing with my hair - check
Nasty/rap music - check check check
Singing loudly in the shower - CHECK
Gifs - Quadruple Check (I have a folder of gifs that I send in emails to people at work)
Why am I getting the feeling we're cut from the same cloth? :)
I LOVE when people play with my hair. And sleeping naked? I don't do it fully, but I don't wear pants, so I mean that count, right? ;)
I do not know how you can sleep naked. I HATE it. Give me all of the clothes please.
Also, I read alcohlic bubble baths as you bathing in alcohol and I was like wow I didn't know Faith was into that but COOL. I'm weird, bye.
Really bad rap music is PERFECT for working out.
I love having my hair played with but my husband is so bad at it!! He does it so roughly he hurts my head
I wish I could make a living out of browsing Pinterest since its how I spent most of my time...
Bubble baths just aren't the same without alcohol. I'm currently back living with my parents and I feel so judged when I take my glass of wine into the washroom with me. Not that it stops me!
I'll second the bubble bath thing. It's not a proper bath otherwise!
I LOVE having my hair played with and my back tickled, best feelings ever! I've tried so many times to enjoy baths/bubble baths but I just get bored and cold.
YAS diet coke. I "quit" drinking in january ... i totally cold turkey'ed it for three months and now i allow myself to have one a day and its glorious. also, yes to everything on this list. EVERYTHING!
Someone tickling my back
Someone playing with my hair
I totally read that as "someone playing with my back hair"!!! haha.
I am with you there on trashy tv. It's kind of like a train wreck you can't stop looking at and thanking God and yourself that you aren't as stupid/vain/don't have a sex tape.
Diet Coke USED to be my crack. I used to drink a case in like..two days. Not proud of it, but it's the truth.
I am with you there on trashy tv. It's kind of like a train wreck you can't stop looking at and thanking God and yourself that you aren't as stupid/vain/don't have a sex tape.
Diet Coke USED to be my crack. I used to drink a case in like..two days. Not proud of it, but it's the truth.
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