Happy Saturday, everyone.
Today's blog post is actually going to be written by someone other than me. The topic is still the same - "Five people (dead or alive) that I want to have dinner with", but my boyfriend is going to be filling in for me today.
Last week Justin and I were discussing some of the various blog topics/prompts on the agenda for July and this one stuck out to him, and he asked if he could blog for me this day. Ummm I get to take a day where I don't have to blog more than just writing this intro? Yes please. #cheater
Anyway, I won't keep rambling.. I'll let Justin take it from here.
Now for those of you who don’t know me (most, if not all, of you) I am very much a music person. To be more precise, a rock music fan. So that influences a lot of my choices. But enough rambling and here we go...

- If you were to ask any of my friends to pick who I would pick for this particular list, their first answer would be Dave Grohl. Reason being is that I
My Grandfather
- I know it is a little overdone with everyone saying past family members, but I don’t care. I never really got to know my Grandfather because he passed away when I was only 5 years old. I think it would be a great to talk to him about the past and how my parents behaved when they were growing up (so I could totally have dirt on them) as well as getting to know the man I only ever really heard stories of.

Jimi Hendricks
- I personally believe that Jimi Hendricks is the greatest guitar player of all time. It would be awesome to be able to talk about his past and what really influenced his unique style of playing - which, in turn, transpired into some of the best songs ever written.
My Mother
- This one is a little touchy as I haven’t seen nor spoken to my mother in 17 years. It would be filled with awkward moments and tough conversations, but maybe someday it will happen.

Bret “The Hitman” Hart
- Growing up, my family watched pro wrestling every week. It was almost a religion for us haha. Until I was 7 years old, me and my brother lived in Calgary, and Bret Hart was from that same city - so obviously I loved him! I would love to sit down and chat to him about growing up and being a pro wrestler traveling the world.
Any who, that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed!
Even though we don't like rules, every fun thing in life has them. So here are a few of ours:
1. Please only link up a post if it matches with the day's topic.
2. Make sure you either grab the button code and put it in the HTML portion of your post, or link back to at least one of the hosts.
3. Go make some friends. Comments=Love

YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER. Thank you Justin for filling in since your girlfriend can't follow the rules. I quite enjoyed your blogging.
Great job to your hubby for filling in!!!
yes! wrestling for the win!
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