Happy Thursday my lovelies!
Today is my AMAZING dad's birthday - so everyone say Happy Birthday, Peter. Love you daddy!
Dad is going to be my guest blogger today:
As some of you may know - I'm kind of crazy about grammar (because my dad made me that way). Growing up, my dad taught me the importance of 'good grammar'.
If you're wondering, I am most likely silently judging you if you mix up your / you're.

Don't worry, dad - I wouldn't be this mean.
And here's my dad's story:
"What darlin'? I asked.
She mumbled something that was lost in the drone off the shaver.
I turned it off.
"What is it, Faith?"
"Daddy - your alarm!"
Crap. I must have forgotten to turn it off.
"Is it going off?" I asked her.
"No daddy... it's going ON!"
Little did I know that this would foreshadow the grammar dragon-slayer that she would turn out to be. I'm so proud.

There you have it, friends. At the end of the day, if I offend all of you with my grammar dragon-slaying ways - at least my dad is proud. ;)
1 comment:
Hahahah Happy Birthday Peter! I love your guest posts!
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