So today we're vlogging about accents. I don't think I have an accent but I'm sure most of you Americans are going to laugh at how I say 'house', 'mouse', 'about', and 'sorry'. Whatever, I
Come link up with us, and let us hear your pretty little accent.
1. Your Name
2. Where you're from.
3. Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminum, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope
4. What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
5. What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
6. What do you call gym shoes?
7. What do you call your grandparents?
8. What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
9. What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
10. What is the bug that when you touch it, it rolls into a ball? How about the one that lights up at night?
11. What do you say to address a group of people?
12. Do you speak any other languages? If so, say something in that language(s).
13. Do you think you have an accent?
14. End by saying any 3 words you want.

LOL. this is great. So glad I joined the party today!
LOL! This was so great! Glad you posted it! Btw .. we share the same name! :)
Shut your mouth, you totally have an accent and say words funny. I'm glad you say the word 'buggy' when you're on the East Coast because I do too. Also. I'M IN TEARS OVER JUSTIN. I don't know if him rubbing his nipples or him cheers-ing with the entire wine bottle is funnier. Oh wait or maybe when he was dancing in the background and you could see him in the mirror. OR when he tried to play all shy because he didn't have a shirt on. BEST VIDEO EVER <3
"I don't know... we don't have those where I'm from." You may not have roly polies but you DO have giant spiders that invade your home. And you also have an accent.
OH MY GOD JUSTIN. I commented the first time when I was only halfway through and now Justin is on the screen DRINKING OUT OF THE BOTTLE and oh my god why am I not there hanging out with you
You sound like you are from California to me! :) Haha so happy you posted it with your BF! I'm sure my husband would've done something similar if he had been home when I did it!
HAHA I'm so glad my husband was sleeping when I filmed mine! Otherwise I probably would have had a similar ending to yours :)
HAHA I'm so glad my husband was sleeping when I filmed mine! Otherwise I probably would have had a similar ending to yours :)
yup no accent. love it. Canadians dont have one!
YOU CALL IT POP! Here I was thinking no one else called it that.
You are my very favorite Canadian. Second only to Justin's nipples.
I agree you don't really seem to have an accent. Then again, I'm from Ohio and we say some of the things the same.
Faith - you speak perfectly normally, just as yer fadder tot ya.
Justin - no words man ... really ... how humiliating for my daughter to be dating a guy who ... well, I'll just come right out and say it .... a guy who tries to drink from a capped bottle. Yer definitely not from the east coast.
Still ... I literally laughed out loud ... not like the youngin's say with that LOL thing ... I mean I actually laughed out loud. Dare I say it ... it was a BELLY laugh!
Okay, I seriously laughed so hard at Justin's entrance, and then showed my boyfriend because that is totally something he would do too. hilarious. and yes, you do have an accent!
Lol Justin's cameo was awesome!! I wish someone (other than my grandma) photo bombed my video lol. I don't know any Canadians and thus my ignorance had me under the assumption that we said a lot of things differently, but after watching this, we really don't! Although, I guess you might think I talk with an accent. I also had NO idea you pronounced z's differently
I didn't know there was a different way to say sorry! I filmed four different versions of my vlog and in one of them I said sorry no less than 5 times. I probably should have used that one...
And the way you say bar and car sounds totally normal to me!
Yours is my favorite of all the videos I watched. I love hearing accents, but his dance moves are amazing. Cheers.
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